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вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

ProBlogger Blog Tips - 3 Simple Changes to Increase Your Subscribers by 50%

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  • 3 Simple Changes to Increase Your Subscribers by 50%

    This guest post is by Goddess Leonie of GoddessGuidebook.com.

    In blogging years, I’m approaching my mid-life. Instead of having a crisis though, there’s life (and new tricks) in this ole goddess dog yet! In the last three months I’ve increased my subscribers by a whopping 50%. All with three simple changes. Because simple is fun and good, and really, it’s the best way to do things.

    Are you ready to hear them? Hurrah!

    1. Getting people in

    I’ve SEO’ed the heck out of my website. I’ve commented like a fiend on all my favorite blogs. I’m aTwittering and FriendFace-ing with the best of them (a li’l “IT Crowd” joke in there for those playing at home). Want to know the thing that’s lovingly ushered people through the doors into my blog?

    Guest blogging.

    I had it on my to-do list for a bazillion years. “Yus yus yus, sooo important. OMG must be all ova dat! But mmm, can’t be bovered.” Every week, I put it off. Until I kicked my own butt (somewhat lovingly) into guest blog town.

    • I asked all my affiliates if I could guest blog for them.
    • I popped an “Interview me!” button on my blog.
    • I contacted all the places I knew that accepted guest blog submissions.
    • And I asked all my favorite blog peoples if I could write for them.

    Whenever I wrote the guest blogs, I made sure I infused as much of my trademark ridunkulous silly and soppy language in them. Just to shoot up a little beacon of a freak flag so my right people knew I was a ginormous raving hippy, and that I was one of their kind.

    And people spilled through the doors, and it was grand.

    Mission Getting People In a success! Hurrah!

    2. Making them welcome

    But the next mission is just as important, and it’s one that we totally ignore.

    We all know that the bounce rate on our websites is super-high. When you jump on a blog for the first time, it’s hard to know where to begin, or if you belong. We need a better doormat, people. And a lounge room to welcome them into. We need to help them recognize instantly that our blog is a home for them.

    Some ways we can do that:

    • Add a New Here page to your blog introducing yourself, explaining what your blog’s about, and sharing some of your best posts to get them started.
    • Add a YouTube video to your sidebar welcoming new readers, and introducing yourself and your blog.
    • Do some brainstorming. If your blog was a magazine, what themes would it cover? Then make those themes prominent on your blog—whether that’s written in your banner, or as an image.

    Here’s the one I popped together:

    Mission Make Them Comfy complete! *confetti*

    3. Helping them stay

    How do we get our guests to become regular drop-in-aholics?

    The best way I know is the What Would Seth Godin Do plugin. It appears the first five times a new friend visits your blog, and asks them if they’d like to subscribe by RSS or email.

    Since using it, I’ve noticed a 20% increase in subscribers alone. Happy days!

    Mission: Stay foreva, my one true reader-love = done.

    3 simple changes = 50% more delight

    It’s been dang glorious. And I’m pretty sure it’s been way more fun than having an existential blogging mid-life crisis!

    Let us know your secrets for upping subscribers in the comments.

    Goddess Leonie is the creator of GoddessGuidebook.com, a popular creativity and spirituality blog for women. She’s also the creator of the upcoming Become a Business Goddess ecourse.

    Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips

    3 Simple Changes to Increase Your Subscribers by 50%


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