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четверг, 19 мая 2011 г.

ProBlogger Blog Tips (3 сообщения)

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  • 3 Tweaks that Helped Double My Blog Traffic Almost Overnight

    This guest post is by Onibalusi Bamidele of YoungPrePro.com.

    Like you, I really love to get traffic to my blog, and I’ll do anything just to make sure my traffic increases. Recently, I made several changes to my blog that doubled my traffic almost overnight. The tips I’m about to give you won’t cost you thousands of dollars—in fact, implementing these tips won’t cost you a cent. And they can easily be implemented by any blogger in any niche.

    1. Capitalizing on my bio

    One thing many bloggers don’t know is that irrespective of who you are, you’re a very unique individual with at least one or two factors that will greatly interest your readers. By making use of these factors, you can easily boost your traffic.

    So many people believe there isn’t any importance in making themselves known clearly—we’ve all seen blogs that have no About page. But it is evident that the most successful bloggers are those who make themselves known to their readers. A great testament to this point is Pat Flynn from SmartPassiveIncome.com.

    I’m not talking only about having an About page: I’m talking about showcasing your bio, linked to your About page, on every page of your blog. By doing this, I’ve made my About page the most viewed page on my blog, and my blog traffic has increased tremendously.

    What I did differently was showcase my About page on every single page of my blog while indicating clearly why readers should read my blog. The area “above the fold” on every blog is the section of your page that your readers see when they first arrive, without scrolling down. What I did was make my author bio the number one thing readers will see when they visit my blog. I highlighted my success and unique factors (which is making $5000 online monthly and being only 17), then linked to my About page so that readers could learn more about me.

    My reason for making this change was just to make myself more known to my readers, yet my traffic skyrocketed overnight. I started seeing more traffic to my blog, more links to my blog, and more emails from readers.

    2. Changing my homepage’s title

    Maybe you have also seen the advice that having an optimized homepage title is the best thing to do for your blog. But which is better: having an optimized homepage title, or a more solid personal brand? I’ll choose a more solid personal brand. Visitors who reach my blog by typing its name into a search engine spend the highest amount of time on my blog and, because of a single change I made, my blog name is now the most-searched term that brings people to my blog from the search engines.

    What I simply did was put the name of my blog first, before the keywords in my homepage title. By doing this my traffic increased in leap and bounds without my search engine traffic being affected (despite what most people will tell you).

    My former homepage title was something along the lines of Young Entrepreneur Blog|Young Blogger| Achieving Online Success. I simply changed it to ìYoungPrePro — Young Entrepreneur Blog| Helping You Achieve Online Success. You’d be amazed to see the traffic increase I got from search engines through searches on my blog name—as well as through direct visits to my blog. Prioritizing your readers and brand ahead of the search engines can go a long way to increase traffic to your blog.

    3. Displaying my income and traffic report

    This worked like charm. My income and traffic reports are the most popular articles on my blog. My blog posts average about 300 views in one month (except for the really exceptional ones), but all my income reports have exceeded thousands of views. In fact, my first income report has been viewed almost 3000 times, generating more daily traffic and subscribers.

    I know there is a limit to what every blogger is comfortable sharing, and some people detest the act of sharing things like their income on their blog. My point is to try to be more personal by using personal case studies on your blog. I blog about making money online and marketing your business, so there’s no case study as realistic and relevant as showing people how much money I make and how much traffic I get—as well as how I do it.

    Try to look for a way to show your readers that you truly know what you’re saying while being more personal. My income and traffic in my reports aren’t just bragging—I also teach people extensively how I achieved those results. Readers really don’t care about what you do; they only care about how you do it.

    Are you ready to double your traffic?

    These tactics aren’t something I just guessed—they weren’t my original ideas. I learned the first and third tips from Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. They work well for him, and the fact that it works for me is another great reason why you need to give it a try. No amount of reading and no amount of new tips will help you if you never implement what you read, so take your time, and start implementing right away.

    Of course, if you have other traffic tweaks you can share with us, we’d love to hear them!

    Onibalusi Bamidele is a 17 year old entrepreneur making over $5000 online monthly. Download his free ebook on How He Makes Over $3000 Online Monthly and visit his blog at YoungPrePro.com to learn more of what he does.

    Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips

    3 Tweaks that Helped Double My Blog Traffic Almost Overnight


  • Bloggers Don't Predict the Future

    This guest post is by Chris Kahler of BloggerITUS.com.

    Unless you believe in your abilities to have prophetic visions, you likely can’t predict the future. As a blogger (or hopeful blogger), you need to realize that attempting to see what your future business has in store is a waste of time and effort. Rather than trying to predict the future of your business, you should be pacing the future of your business.

    Bloggers don't predict: they pace the future

    Future pacing is a crucial part of blogging. The most valuable traffic, that comes in the highest quantity, is from those who have decided to tag along with you on your blogging journey as subscribers both to your RSS feed and newsletter, friends on your Facebook page, and followers of your Twitter account.

    So, the thing you should be asking yourself if you want to build a whopping reader list is this:

    What do I need to do to get people to stick around?

    For starters, you can follow the simple guidelines I've outlined for you here, and for your long term improvement (if you really want to get good at this) you can subscribe to my RSS feed using the link below.

    I just gave you your first example of what future pacing is. If you click on the Subscribe link with the thought that you're going to receive great content in the future, then you've become a reader of my blog not only at the present, but for the future as well.

    Here are the other future pacing guidelines that will keep people constantly coming back for more. These aren't the only rules, but they are a good general set to keep in mind when planning out ways to keep your readers involved at present, and coming back for more.

    Never blog it all at once

    Keep your blog posts centralized around your chosen topic. If you are blogging about general ideas regarding a topic (as I am in this blog post), don't get so specific on the blog post that you make it a novel. Keep your job at being general.

    Here's why you want to do that: your blog is a continuing project. You will have many days in the future to cover the specifics. Make sure to mention these things in your blog posts. People like the idea that such value is ongoing and that they can discover something new at frequent intervals rather than being pounded in the brain by a novel-length blog post.

    Don't be afraid to ask

    When you start a blog, keep in mind the primary point of it. You are not blogging for computers, income, or business. You are blogging for people. Having content that helps people is primary goal number one. When you hit that goal, the others will follow accordingly, and by focusing first on people, you'll never step across the line. After all, people can sniff a blatant marketing scheme from miles away.

    When you find yourself creating content for people that you know is valuable, you will not only want people to read it, but you will feel obligated to encourage them to read. Asking for subscribers is not a bad thing if your intent is focused completely on helping them. Honestly, by not asking you might be doing them more harm than good … what's one more quality feed or email going to do to hurt them? It won't do any harm, but never knowing your awesome ideas will bring more long-term suffering than not finding the knowledge at all!

    Every blog post should plant seeds

    What do a good blog post and a good television show have in common? Well, when you watch a series you really like and it ends, what's the next thing that comes up (besides the credits) that always keeps you coming back for more?

    Of course, the "On the Next Episode" tidbit. Great blog posts follow the same principle of seeding people's interest, though they do it more subtly than a television show. Sometimes it’s okay to highlight the next post, for a series or something, but generally speaking, you want to drop cues here and there on your blog about upcoming content that readers should look out for.

    In the last post I wrote, I mentioned in a general sense the three components that are always involved when it comes to earning money online. Now, that was a general post that set the stage for future content that digs deeper into that idea. Readers can come to expect those posts, I can plan to write them, and together we can unfold concepts for practical money-making applications.

    Just like a television show, my audience knows what's likely coming up, they've got "scenes" or ideas that have been planted in their minds … but also, like a television show, they don't know what to fully expect. That is what keeps people coming back! The lure of great future content, the consistent reason to stick around, keeps them sitting on the edge of their seats feeling for the next amazing post that's bound to hit the RSS feed!

    Next steps

    I'm not one to leave you hanging. I'll give you a few starting points and things will unfold from there:

    Step 1: Find the top five

    Assuming that you know what you want to blog about, find the top five general topics in your blog's category. For example, the five general topics I have for blogging are: Systems, Profit Equation, Instant Massive Action, Pacing, and Content Generating. I've covered the first three on my blog, the fourth I've obviously decided to branch out, and the fifth is on the horizon.

    Step 2: Break it down

    Take each general topic and break them down into between three and five general sub-parts. Remember, your first posts need to generalize your upcoming content. You have plenty of time to home in on specifics. That doesn't mean your posts need to lack quality, originality, or be a waste of time for the reader. That just means you need to give a little info but also reserve a little info; save the details for more specific, later posts.

    This tactic is especially good if you know what needs to be covered on a general basis but don't really know the specifics yet. You've set pacing for future content and have given yourself time to learn what you want to blog about.

    Step 3: Plant the seeds

    Determine ways to incorporate seeds of the later topics into the present topic you're discussing. In my first blog post about creating systems I mention in the introduction that "you are about to learn how to apply my methods for systematizing your productivity work flow, building each system you create around the profit equation needed to grow your income." The italicized part was future pacing for the next post about the profit equation. Inside that post I drop seeds as well.

    Step 4: Create action

    Create an action for each of the three to five sub-parts of your general topics. If you can find a way to create applicable steps for not only learning but doing the parts that make up your five main topics, then you haven't wasted your readers’ time.

    Bloggers are meant to deliver information that's not only informative, but useful. Always try to find relevant actions that others can take, even if those actions might seem trivial. If you can tie in a good reason why readers should complete the action, you are not only building your own ability to call a person to a specific action, but you are conditioning your readers to taking action on your ideas.

    Do you pace your blog for the future? Please share your techniques with us in the comments.

    Chris Kahler is an underground marketer diversifying his business into the field of blogging. He has years of experience online, and is currently focusing his effort on his new pride and joy, BloggerITUS.com. You can subscribe to his RSS and follow his recently created Twitter account to legally stalk him and learn everything you need to know about making money on the internet.

    Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips

    Bloggers Don't Predict the Future


  • How to Build a Thriving Blog by Being Yourself

    This guest post is by Natalie Sisson of The Suitcase Entrepreneur.

    When you first start blogging it can be difficult to find your real voice. It can also be unnerving to put yourself out there and say what you really think. Like many blogger,s you probably try to be appropriate, politically correct, and inoffensive in your blog posts.

    Well, let me tell you that if you want to be just like everyone else, that's a guaranteed approach to get you there.

    personal blogging needs you

    Image is author's own

    Of course though, you don't. You don't want to be like everyone else because you are unique. You have important things to say and you need to say them in a way that's true to who you are.

    If you want a thriving blog, one where your adoring fans come back time and time again, and hang off your every word, you need to be you.

    Unabashedly, shamelessly, wonderfully, completely transparently, totally, authentically you.


    People relate to people. They’ll relate to a real human being, telling their story, living their life, and sharing it in a creative, amusing, entertaining, and truthful way. That way, they get to come along on the journey.

    “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” —Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde was a smart man, and he knew what he was talking about when he said this. The biggest failure I see among bloggers is trying to fit in. I've been guilty of it myself. You get caught up in reading other people’s blogs and trying to emulate what they're doing, and as a result you end up with a mix of nothing spectacular at all.

    In order to be yourself you have to take risks, to accept that you are not perfect, and to be courageous enough to say what you really think. People will love you for it. It takes a huge amount of bravery to be original instead of a pointless replication of someone else.

    “Be who you are, and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”—Dr. Seuss

    I personally have seen the most success when I've written from my heart. My community resonates most with me when I tell them how I screwed up, that I was scared, that I didn't achieve something I set out to do.

    It makes me more human. It shows my vulnerability and people get that. They want that. They buy into your mission and your vision, and want to follow your steps and see you succeed.

    I'm not talking about writing a revealing post about your recent trip to the hospital or penning a long relationship saga. I’m talking about revealing just enough to build loyalty, respect, and admiration among your followers for baring yourself, admitting your hard-fought battles and costly mistakes.

    Follow that up with the lessons you learned, pass on your new-found wisdom to your readers, and you're on a sure path to blogging success.

    Authenticity + creativity + massive value + key takeaways = a thriving blog

    My winning equation above has taken me a long time to solve. I don't always get it right (see vulnerability and truthfulness in action right here), however, I do look to solve a problem every time I write and this equation helps immensely in keeping me focused. I also aim to be engaging, genuine, and grateful.

    Here are some examples of bloggers who I believe have a truly unique voice and use it extremely well to create a community of raving fans unique to their personality and writing style. Warning: Some of these people may offend with their use of swear words or abstract opinions. But for me, tt's all part of their charm and what sets them apart.

    With a blog named The Middle Finger Project you already know that Ashley Ambirge is going to deliver up some serious attitude and in-your-face content. That's what's so refreshing about her candid, quick-witted posts about leaving corporate America behind to do your own thang!

    "Become known for something–rather than trying to become known for everything. Because frankly, that's impossible."—Ashely Ambirge

    John Falchetto appears to have a wonderful life, living in the French countryside and coaching expats on how to become immensely successful in business even if they feel isolated living a world away from home. The thing is he genuinely understands their problems and challenges and writes compelling content on his blog Expat Life Coach that speaks to the heart of those who read it and need it.

    "When I first started out in business in 2003, I was foolish. Although I had quit my corporate job in PR and I am all for quitting when things really don't go your way, looking back I would have done it differently."—John Falchetto

    Kent Healy is a creative thinker who is always questioning why things are as they are in the world and challenging you to do the same. He blogs about unconventional ways of thinking, acting and living and makes you focus on what matters on The Uncommon Life.

    "There is immense value in being able to think and act independently in a world of conformity and convention – in fact, all innovation and novelty depend on it. It can be challenging to free ourselves from the explicit and implicit forces that keep our brain in the box, but that doesn't mean it's impossible."—Kent Healy

    Emergent by Design is the brain child of futurist Venessa Miemis who has an entirely unique take on the intersection of technology, communication, and culture, and attracts intellectuals, academics, and big-picture thinkers to her blog and with them a wide array of opposing comments.

    "Then I started poking around in Twitter and wondering if it's a complex adaptive system and if it might actually grow to become a global human consciousness, of sorts. Lately I've been looking at how design thinking can be used to better understand human behavior and facilitate innovation."—Venessa Miemis

    I could not leave out my idol, Seth Godin, who really needs no introduction. On his self-titled blog Seth has the uncanny ability to write the shortest blog posts with the most substance I've ever witnessed. His straight-up, insightful, brilliantly worded daily posts draw thousands of views and shares because he creates art and then ships it, and inspires you to do the same.

    "What I am writing about is the ability of each of us, without authority or permission, to do work that matters, to have an impact and to create a place for ourselves in a society that's brainwashed us into doing something that's an easily replaced commodity. A big part of that is acting like an artist. Being personal, making change, communicating a vision."—Seth Godin

    What makes you unique?

    While it's not for me to tell you what your “special sauce” is, you do need to find it and then cook up a fantastic recipe that allows you to create mouth watering content for your blog that readers devour.

    If you're nervous to hit Publish on a post that you've really put a lot of thought into and that reveals a little bit more of you than normal, then congratulations. That's a great sign. It shows you're developing your USP—Unique Special Proposition.

    When you get clear on what that is, you’ll see how imperative it is to making you stand out. You'll also witness your blog community react strongly by sharing your content across the social media sphere and commenting like crazy. Then you really know you're doing the right thing—you are in fact being yourself.

    Here are some questions to ask yourself and others who know you to develop your USP:

    1. What are you better at than anyone else?
    2. What do you enjoy doing the most?
    3. What do (or could) you provide that no one else is providing?
    4. What annoys people the most about your industry or blog area?
    5. What is remarkable about you?
    6. Do you have an unusual combination of elements?
    7. Do you have a big personality?

    Now write your USP statement. Take action. You can look to this as the reminder of what makes you distinctive and unique by following this format:

    I am unique and different because I provide [USP] which no one else in my field provides. No one else can or will provide this because [insert reason].

    Put yourself into the equation

    I talked about my winning formula above. Now it's time for you to write your own. So how do you go about sharing your new-found USP on your blog straight away?

    Get personal

    There's nothing like sharing a personal experience you've had and relating it to the topic of your blog. If you write on health and fitness, for example, then talking about your own journey of going vegan or training for a marathon will be much more inspiring then simple how-to tips. Break this out into a series on how you achieved the results you did and you have a reason for people to come back to your blog.

    Listen to your instincts

    If you believe strongly about a topic related to your blog, but you've been nervous about sharing it with the world, then there's a good chance other people will find your personal stance interesting. Strong opinions always illicit a response—good or bad. The point is you want to get people talking, and you want them to engage, to think critically, and to respond because they care.

    Get trendy

    One of the best ways to show your USP is to take a current popular topic and put your spin on it. Justin Bieber may not be of interest to you, but is there something that particularly irritates or fascinates you about his meteoric rise into music stardom? Is there a post you can write that takes a lesson from his story that other people just aren't seeing?

    "If you do things well, do them better. Be daring, be first, be different, be just."—Anita Roddick

    Natalie Sisson is a Suitcase Entrepreneur and Adventurer who shares creative ways to run your business from anywhere in the world. She is passionate about using online tools, social media and outsourcing to create more freedom in business and adventure in life.

    Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips

    How to Build a Thriving Blog by Being Yourself


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