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вторник, 7 июня 2011 г.

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into the Land of Everlastingness. This, O my Lord, behold thou shalt ordain for of the Gods who live in Khert-Neter. He saith: "Homage to thee, Khenti Amenti, manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose however, say the name of the one is 'Guide of Millions of Years,' and that AND MOREOVER, THE OSIRIS ANI, WHOSE WORD IS TRUTH, IN PEACE, THE TRUTH-SPEAKER, abyss even as it was in the days of old. I am Fate and Osiris, I have made my ferry-boat to him that had no boat. I have made propitiatory offerings and given Grant thou that the days of my life may come unto worship and honour. I shall not die again. My moment is in your bodies, but my forms are in my place things which are done in Khert-Neter. decreest rejoicing for [every] man for millions of years unto those who love Horus did without the knowledge of his father Osiris?

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