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- 3 Lessons On Blogging from My Son… the Artist
Our kitchen table is in a perpetual state of creativity.
Marker pens, sketch books, glue sticks, and paint sets are make their permanent home there because my five-year-old son (X) is a self-declared Artist.
While there are some challenges with living with an Artist… (last night I almost broke my ankle tripping on a glue stick) there are a lot of good things about it too. Not only is there a constant stream of art work to hang on the fridge, I’ve also seen a lot of parallels between the ways he’s developing artistically and how I think bloggers could develop their own craft.
The more you do it, the better you get
Young X is prolific. There’s no other word to describe him.
When I get up at 7am he’s usually hard at work on a project he’s been dreaming up in bed the night before (he literally gets up and draws his dreams).
When I go down to the kitchen for a cup of tea mid morning, he’ll be there drawing or crafting up some new “sculpture” (out of an egg carton, some blue tack, a chocolate box, and his Mum’s earrings).
When I collect him from kindergarten in the afternoon, he’ll leave the room with any number of paintings, pastings, and works of art, while other kids walk out with one at most.
The fruit of his constant practice of his artistry is a remarkable improvement in what he’s producing. While it’s all still very childlike (he is five) we genuinely marvel at his creations—they’re really great! Last week I even found him sitting down with a book about Picasso and trying to emulate one of his famous paintings.
The same is true for blogging (or any form of writing)—the more you practice, the better your writing gets. In fact it’s pretty much the only way to learn. You can study writing techniques all you want, but unless you actually experiment with putting them into practice and work on developing your own style, you’ll never really improve.
Experiment with new media
X is constantly trying new ways of constructing, drawing, painting, and creating. While drawing with pencils used to be his thing, he’s moved through a variety of “phases” in his artistic development as he’s explored different media.
I still remember the time earlier this year that I suggested he use his pencils only to be told that “I used pencils when I was 4 but I have been maturing. I prefer paint!”
He’s also gone through different phases when it comes to subject matter. Faces were and early phase. Then houses. Then robots. Then Toy Story characters. Then fire. Then rainbows….
Interestingly, his latest phase is something of a fusion (or mashup) of different media and subjects. It’s almost as if he’s tested and tried a variety of techniques and has now got his own little style, taking things he’s learned along the way and putting them together into his own little way.
The same is true for bloggers. I strongly advise bloggers to experiment:
- Experiment with writing in different styles and voices.
- Experiment with writing posts of different lengths.
- Experiment with writing informal and formal posts.
- Experiment with writing in a more personal and engaging tone, and writing a more academic-style essay post.
- Experiment with different media—video, audio, written.
- Experiment with different formats—list posts, interviews, how-to posts, stories.
- Experiment with different topics.
The list could go on. As you experiment, you’ll find yourself drawn to repeat some and leave others. You’ll also find your readers resonating with some experiments and ignoring (or even reacting against) others. In time, your voice develops.
Train your mind to think like a blogger
When X is not making art, he’s thinking about his next creation. Quite often we’ll be driving in the car or out for a walk and he’ll have a contemplative look on his face, or he’ll be examining something with real intent. I’ll ask him what he’s thinking about. More often than not, he’ll say something like:
- “I’m thinking about how to draw that traffic light.”
- “I’m imagining what that man riding the bike will look like being attacked by a dinosaur so I can paint it.”
- “I’m working out what color to draw our house in when I get home.”
X is always on the lookout for inspiration for his art work. He’s painting his next painting before he’s even sitting down to do it. He’s looking at life though the eyes of a five-year-old artist—working out how to translate what he sees and experiences into his creations.
Again, there is a lesson to be learned here for bloggers. While I don’t advise letting your whole life be taken over by thinking about blogging, over time you begin to see life through blog-colored glasses. As you experience life, there will be some things that jump out at you that could impact your blogging (or even be written about).
This post is an example of that. As I watched X draw today and began to ponder how he was developing, I began to see the parallels and analogies emerge—but they only came because I guess I’ve got into the habit of looking at life this way.
Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
3 Lessons On Blogging from My Son… the Artist
Переслать - 5 Reasons Why Dai Ling Ping is Going to Win On YouTube in 2012
This guest post is by David Edwards of A Sitting Duck.
I’ve just passed three years on YouTube and I’m really happy with what I’ve achieved so far.
But over the last few months I’ve become mates with a guy who owns one of the fastest growing channels in the UK—and he started just over a year ago. Dai Ling Ping has gone from zero to over 25,000 subscribers! It’s awesome for an individual to achieve this.
I’m blown away by how quickly his brand is growing and even though you may not be into video games, you will still be able to take some notes from his story and start something of your own. Get your pen and paper ready, here’s what Dai has done!
1. He uploads five videos a week
Most top YouTubers usually produce one video a week. I know that, within the animation industry, the top guys try to get one video live every calendar month, as their work is more time-consuming. But Dai is cranking them out. He’s not dwelling on the fact that some videos get a few hundred views and others are getting thousands, he just keeps on going!
2. He is part of something big
What ever subject you choose, you should always think of yourself as being part of something much bigger than you. For instance, Dai got involved with the Machinima network, which has a database of millions of gamers all over the world. If they like one of Dai’s videos, they can get it in front of hundreds of thousands of people very quickly.
3. He leverages his most popular video
Dai has a video titled “My House”—it even ranks top on the search engines, having racked up over 500,000 views. And his other videos are feeding off the success of this one.
On YouTube, you have two spaces beneath the video to promote your other works. Also, YouTube will line your other videos above and on the right hand side of the displayed video automatically. So, if you have a popular video, be sure to add others—don’t give those valuable spaces away to other YouTubers.
4. He is always looking for the next big thing
Because he’s organized with making videos, if something breaks out on the news, Dai can create a video on that topic within a few hours, and send it straight to his subscribers. Sometimes his videos rank next to the original news story on YouTube!
5. He is original
Many people are getting a bit stuck online now because they don’t know what information to read and what to do.
By keeping it simple, cranking out funny videos and illustrations, and chatting with his fans in the comments, Dai has built something that is growing faster than he could ever control. Because he invented the Dai Ling Ping character, he will eventually be able to make some big profits from original merchandise sales.
You may find some of Dai’s videos offensive, due to bad language. But if I was half as productive as Dai I would be sitting on a lot more subscribers today! Comedian Ricky Gervais once said “always produce more than you hope” and in the online market that has never been more true!
David Edwards is the founder of http://www.asittingduck.com and produces animations over at www.youtube.com/asittingducktv
Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
5 Reasons Why Dai Ling Ping is Going to Win On YouTube in 2012
Переслать - Confessions of a Narcissistic Blogger
This guest post was written by Joe Bunting of The Write Practice.
I came across this interesting quote from psychologist Alexander Lowen:
I would like to experience more joy. Wouldn’t you? Isn’t joy what life is really about?"To experience joy, one must be free of anxieties about letting go and expressing feeling. Or to put it differently, one has to be carefree and innocent as a child."—Alexander Lowen
I first got into writing because I felt this explosion of feeling, like I could release everything I was on the page and fill it with beautiful and terrible truths. Sometimes I get so excited about writing, my eyes fill with tears. It’s a great experience.
This is life experienced to its fullest. But then I look at my pageviews and my game face goes on. All I care about is the numbers. Immediately, my joy fizzles out like soda gone flat.
Lowen continues, "Narcissists are neither carefree nor innocent." Have I become a narcissist? Here are four narcissistic blogger tendencies:
1. You worry about your image
Is my design interesting enough? Will viewers bounce immediately after seeing it? Are my tweets funny enough? Do I post/tweet too much? Do I post/tweet too little?
2. You attempt to get people to respond to you the way you want them to
Why aren’t people commenting? How do I get them to comment more? I need more comments!
3. If you’re not in control, you become panicky
My views were supposed to go up this week! Why are they going down? Why aren’t people sharing my Tweet? It was really funny! Why the heck aren’t people commenting?
4. You look for ways to make people do what you want them to do
Read my blog. Comment on my blog. Share my blog. Like my blog. Tweet my blog. Please retweet. If my views don’t go up, I’ll be an insecure wreck.
Do you have any of these tendencies? I know I do.
True confession: One time I went to a party with some friends just after publishing a really great blog post. When I got there, I didn’t have a deep connection with the divine. Instead, I felt, These people are lucky to have me. I’m a really good writer. What a great resource I am for them.
I cared more about my image than spending quality time with the people I loved.
Not quite five tips to become less narcissistic and experience more joy
The truth is that I’d like to give you five tips on how to be less narcissistic. I’d like to give you seven bullet points on how to be a more loving, less self-conscious, more joyful person.
But I’m not sure it would help.
My all-time favorite TEDtalk is from researcher Brene Brown. She said, "We don’t need more tips. We pretty much know the right way to live. ‘How to’ isn’t working."
Instead, I’m going to give you just one.
Be real.
We don't need more tips on how to live more joyful, less narcissistic life. Instead, we need openness, honesty, and vulnerability. The secret to fighting shame and narcissism is to feel your feelings, to share them without concern of getting hurt (you might get hurt, by the way).
There is no secret. There is no key to effective non-narcissism. There is no tip to experience joy.
There is only yourself. You as you really are. Unhidden and unashamed.
Do you struggle with blogging narcissism? Do you want to be sophisticated? Share your own true confession here. Feel free to comment anonymously if it’s too personal.
Joe Bunting is a professional writer, fiction editor, and platform consultant. You can follow Joe on Twitter and download a copy of his eBook, 14 Prompts, for free.
Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Confessions of a Narcissistic Blogger
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